Livestock Breeding Directorate
Denitsa Dincheva
Livestock Breeding Directorate:
1. assists the Minister in the development, coordination and implementation of the state policy in animal husbandry, breeding activities, humane treatment of animals and the production of animal products;
2. prepares and participates in the development and coordination of draft normative acts in the field of animal husbandry, the production of animal products, breeding activities, humane treatment of animals and disposal of animal by-products;
3. identifies problems in the livestock sector, develops reports, programs and guidelines for livestock development;
4. methodically supports the structures of the ministry and coordinates its activities with other departments and organizations related to the protection of biological diversity in animal husbandry, breeding activity and trade in purebred and hybrid breeding animals, animal welfare and disposal of animal by-products;
5. participates in the implementation of the joint activity with the World Organization for Animal Health and with other international organizations related to the humane treatment of animals and animal by-products;
6. participates in the activities of the State Commission for Animal Breeds;
7. organizes and participates in the work of the Council for monitoring the production of raw materials and foods from cow's milk, the Advisory Council for Veterinary Medicine, the Council for Animal Husbandry and the Advisory Council for Beekeeping to the Minister;
8. maintains and publishes on the Ministry's website an up-to-date list of breeding organizations according to Art. 31, para. 1 of the Animal Husbandry Act (LA);
9. maintains a database for the information received by ODZ about registered breeding farms and holdings under Art. 15 of the Labor Code;
10. assists the Minister in carrying out control over the activities of the Executive Agency for Selection and Reproduction in Animal Husbandry in the cases under Art. 38 of Regulation (EU) 2016/1012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2016 on zootechnical and genealogical conditions for breeding, trade and introduction into the Union of purebred breeding animals, hybrid breeding pigs and germinal products thereof to amend Regulation (EU) No. 652/2014 and Council Directives 89/608/EEC and 90/425/EEC and repealing certain acts in the field of animal breeding (OJ, L 171/66 of 29 June 2016), hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation on Breeding Animals";
11. organizes and participates in the work of the commissions under ŽZ for recognition or refusal to recognize organizations as breeding organizations, for approval or refusal to approve their breeding programs and for issuing permits for carrying out breeding activities;
12. collects, processes and sends to the EC information on the purchase prices of red and white meat and eggs for consumption from slaughterhouses and packing centers in the manner and within the terms determined by European legislation;
13. processes and reports information to the EC on the number of production sites for commercial laying hens according to the breeding method and on the maximum capacity of the enterprises, in the manner and within the terms set by European legislation;
14. organizes the activity of preparing and updating annual national programs to improve the conditions of production and marketing of bee honey and bee products in accordance with EU law, assists the State Fund "Agriculture" in their implementation and reports on the implementation of measures under the annual national beekeeping programs before the EC;
15. maintains and updates a public list of persons who are registered under Art. 19, para. 7 of the Beekeeping Act;
16. participates in the preparation of the Program of measures to limit and prevent pollution with nitrates from agricultural sources in vulnerable areas, the Rules for good agricultural practice for the protection of waters from pollution with nitrates from agricultural sources, the Rules for good agricultural practice for reducing of ammonia emissions in the air, separated from agricultural sources and the Action Plan for the Strategy for C&C 2014-2023;
17. organizes the overall activity of determining the amount to compensate material damages for dead farm animals and destroyed beehives as a result of natural disasters;
18. coordinates the activity of implementing zoohygiene and veterinary medical requirements in the breeding of farm animals;
19. participates in the commission for issuing a license according to Art. 6, para. 1 of Ordinance No. 1 of 2016 on the terms and conditions for licensing zoos;
20. participates in carrying out on-site inspections in animal breeding sites to establish compliance of their activities with the current legislation;
21. performs monitoring of the official control in the production of raw milk;
22. methodically supports the activity and may participate in the implementation